Grades are entered weekly on the web site to keep recruits informed about their current academic standing. All recruits are responsible for submitting their weekly assignments on time, and for maintaining at least a 70% GPA (a “C” grade) while attending the STARS Explorer Training Academy. Failure to maintain at least a 70% GPA will result in being dismissed from the program. If a recruit is absent, they are required to submit their weekly assignments on the first Saturday after their absence. Missing assignments may not be made up retroactively (after the due date).
Any dispute over posted grades should be brought immediately to the attention of your platoon deputy. Each recruit will be issued an individual, confidential, and randomly generated student identification number. It is the responsibility of the individual recruit to NOT give his/her student identification number to anyone other than their parent/legal guardian if under 18 years of age) or their post advisor, and to protect his/her student identification number from others.
Our program uses the Jupiter Ed website to help keep you informed about your progress. You can login anytime to check your current grades, homework, missing assignments, test scores, and report cards, and to contact teachers. It’s completely secure, so no one else can see your personal information. Here’s how to get started:
1. Go to
2. Click the “Student” tab.
3. | Type Name: | Schmedly McGruff |
Password: | #### temporary password. | |
School: | LASD Explorer Program | |
City: | Whittier | |
State: | California |
4. At the prompt, choose your own password.
5. At the next prompt, enter your email.
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