Balance Sheet

The Balance Sheet—or Statement of Financial Position—is a core financial statement that reports a snapshot of a company’s assets, liabilities, and shareholders’ equity at a particular point in time.

In practice, the balance sheet offers insights into the current state of a company’s financial position at a predefined point in time, akin to a snapshot.

The composition of the balance sheet is composed of three pieces, which are assets, liabilities, and shareholders’ equity.

In This Article

Table of Contents

Balance Sheet Template: Standard Format

The balance sheet reflects the carrying values of a company’s assets, liabilities, and shareholders’ equity at a specific point in time.

Conceptually, a company’s assets refer to the resources belonging to the company with positive economic value, which must have been funded somehow.

The two funding sources available for companies are liabilities and shareholders’ equity, which reflect how the resources were purchased.

In simple terms, the balance sheet—also known as the “statement of financial position”—provides a comprehensive overview of a company’s assets (“what is owned”) and liabilities (“what is owed”) in a given period.

The difference between a company’s total assets and total liabilities results in shareholders’ equity (or “net assets”).

The standard format and three components of the balance sheet are each described in the following illustrative chart:

Balance Sheet Formula

The fundamental accounting equation states that a company’s assets must be equal to the sum of its liabilities and shareholders’ equity.

Assets = Liabilities + Shareholders Equity

If the fundamental accounting equation is not true in a financial model—i.e. the balance sheet does not “balance”—the financial model contains an error in all likelihood.

The three components of the equation will now be described in further detail in the following sections.

Once complete, we’ll undergo an interactive training exercise in Excel, where we’ll practice building a balance sheet template using the historical data pulled from the 10-K filing of Apple (AAPL).

How to Prepare the Balance Sheet for Beginners

1. Assets Section (Current vs. Non-Current)

Assets describe resources with economic value that can be sold for money or have the potential to provide monetary benefits someday in the future.

The assets section is ordered in terms of liquidity, i.e. line items are ranked by how quickly the asset can be liquidated and turned into cash on hand.

On the balance sheet, a company’s assets are separated into two distinct sections:

  1. Current Assets ➝ The short-term assets that can or are expected to be converted into cash within one year (
  2. Non-Current Assets ➝ The long-term assets expected to provide economic benefits to the company in excess of one year (>12 months).

While current assets can be converted into cash within a year, liquidating non-current assets, such as fixed assets (PP&E), can be a time-consuming process.

Furthermore, a substantial discount is normally necessary to find a suitable buyer to sell the fixed asset in the open markets.

The most common current assets are defined in the table below.

The next section consists of non-current assets, which are described in the table below.

2. Liabilities Section (Current vs. Non-Current)

Similar to the order in which assets are displayed, liabilities are listed in terms of how near-term the cash outflow date is, i.e. the near-term liabilities coming due on an earlier date are listed at the top.

Liabilities are also separated into two parts on the basis of their maturity date:

The most frequent current liabilities that appear on the balance sheet are the following:

3. Shareholders Equity Section

The second source of funding—other than liabilities—is shareholders equity (or “stockholders equity”), which consists of the following line items.

Sample Balance Sheet Template: Apple (AAPL)

The balance sheet of Apple (AAPL), a global consumer electronics and software company, for the fiscal year ending 2021 is shown below.

Sample Balance Sheet Template

Sample Apple Balance Sheet Template (Source: AAPL 10-K)

How to Analyze the Balance Sheet

While the financial statements are closely intertwined and necessary to understand a company’s financial health, the balance sheet is particularly useful for ratio analysis.

The following chart contains some of the most common metrics used in practice to analyze a company’s balance sheet.

How are the Financial Statements Linked?

The three core financial statements—income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement—are intricately connected and collectively present a comprehensive view of a company’s current financial condition.

The retained earnings line item is the centerpiece that ties the three financial statements together.

Conceptually, retained earnings reflect the cumulative earnings kept by a company since its inception rather than distributing excess funds in the form of shareholder dividends.

The ending retained earnings balance recognized on the balance sheet equals the beginning balance plus net income, net of any dividend issuances to shareholders.

Ending Retained Earnings = Beginning Retained Earnings + Net Income Shareholder Dividends

The ending cash balance on the cash flow statement (CFS) must match the cash balance recognized on the balance sheet for the current period.

Balance Sheet Calculator — Excel Template

We’ll now move on to a modeling exercise, which you can access by filling out the form below.

1. Basic Balance Sheet Template Build

Suppose we’re tasked with building a 3-statement model for Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) and are currently preparing the company’s historical balance sheet data.

Using the screenshot from earlier, we’ll enter Apple’s historical balance sheet into Excel.

The hard-coded inputs are entered in blue font, while the calculations (i.e. the ending total for each section) are in black font.

Why? The color formatting abides by general financial modeling best practices, which make building a financial model easier for the one creating the model and for purposes of auditing.

However, rather than copying every data point in the same format as reported by Apple in its public filings, we must make discretionary adjustments that we deem appropriate for modeling purposes.

However, that does not mean all remotely similar line items should be combined, as seen in the case of Apple’s commercial paper.

Commercial paper is a form of short-term debt with a specific purpose, different from long-term debt. Since commercial paper is a debt-like security, certain financial models consolidate commercial paper with the revolving credit facility (“revolver”) line item.

2. Balance Sheet Calculation Example

Once Apple’s historical data is input in our Excel template, with the proper adjustments to streamline our financial model, we’ll calculate the profit metrics denoted in black font as a standard modeling convention (and “best practice”).

Balance Sheet ($ in millions) 2020A 2021A
Cash and Cash Equivalents $191,830 $190,516
Accounts Receivable, net 16,120 26,278
Inventories 4,061 6,580
Other Current Assets 32,589 39,339
Total Current Assets $244,600 $262,713
Property, Plant and Equipment, net $36,766 $39,440
Other Non-Current Assets 42,522 48,849
Total Assets $323,888 $351,002
Accounts Payable $42,296 $54,763
Other Current Liabilities 42,684 47,493
Commercial Paper 4,996 6,000
Deferred Revenue 6,643 7,612
Total Current Liabilities $96,619 $115,868
Long-Term Debt $107,440 $118,719
Other Non-Current Liabilities 54,490 53,325
Total Liabilities $258,549 $287,912
Common Stock and APIC $50,779 $57,365
Retained Earnings 14,966 5,562
Other Comprehensive Income / (Loss) (406) 163
Total Shareholders’ Equity $65,339 $63,090

The formula for each bolded cell is as follows:

Note that in our basic balance sheet template, the “Total Assets” and “Total Liabilities” line items include the values of the “Total Current Assets” and “Total Current Liabilities”, respectively.

In other cases, the balance sheet presentation will be divided into two parts: “Current” and “Non-Current.”

Upon completion, the final step is to ensure the fundamental accounting equation remains true by subtracting total assets from the sum of the total liabilities and shareholders’ equity, which comes out to zero, confirming our balance sheet is indeed “balanced.”

Balance Sheet Template

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