Trains and buses conveniently operate on frequent regular schedules.
Trains allow access towards Sapporo or towards Yoichi.
Also, the majority of city buses operate based on this station.
Minami Otaru Station is 10 minutes on foot to the "Marchen Crossroads", a sightseeing district on the south side of Sakai-machi Street with many attractions such as music box shops, glass shops, and onfectionaries.
The area around this station was once a thriving district, and many historical buildings still remain from its heyday.
This is Otaru's second largest transportation hub, directly connected to "Wing Bay Otaru", a major commercial complex.
This station is also very convenient as a stop for express trains bound for Sapporo and New Chitose Airport.
This is a base point for regularly-operated ships on Otaru-Niigata and Otaru-Maizuru routes.
Please use buses or taxis to travel to downtown Otaru.
Tourist Information Center
Tickets / Fare adjustment office
Lounge / Waiting room
Bank, money exchange
Hotel / Accommodation
Bus / Bus stop
Taxi / Taxi Stand
Railway / Railway station
▶ Buy Tickets Buy Tickets Confirm the fare displayed for your destination station name.
→ Insert money into the ticket machine and press the button.
→ Take your ticket and any change. *If pressing your required button does not dispense a ticket, you have not inserted enough money. Please insert enough money for the fare. *If you have reserved tickets, or if you are uncertain of your destination, fare, or require other information, please inquire at a nearby JR Ticket Office (Midori-no-Madoguchi). ▶ Pass the Turnstile Insert your ticket.
→ Take the ticket ejected at the other side of the machine. ▶ Confirm your Platform Number *Please be aware that some trains with few cars will not span the entire platform. *There are "Local", "Regional Rapid", and "Rapid" types of trains.
"Local" trains stop at all stations, but "Regional Rapid" and "Rapid" trains do not stop at some stations.
Please confirm in advance.
▶ Board the Bus The central door is for boarding, and the front door is for exiting. ▶ Exit the Bus The vehicle's bus stop information monitor will indicate the next bus stop, allowing you to confirm where to exit the bus. *Please push one of the stop buttons found throughout the bus to signal the driver that you would like to exit at the next stop. ▶ Pay the Fare As you exit, please deposit your fare into the fare box next to the driver. *The driver cannot make change, so please use the change machine in front of the fare box to prepare exact change in advance. Fare
Adult ¥220, Child ¥110. *Infants less than one year old are free. *Fares and bus boarding entrances differ for the Asarigawa Onsen line.
*Canal Plaza offers information on topics such as sightseeing and transportation, and there are permanently-stationed staff who can speak English, Chinese, and Korean.
Otaru Station +81 0134-29-1333 Asakusa Bridge +81 0134-23-7740・Otaru Tourist Association +81 0134-33-2510 ・JR Hokkaido Otaru Station +81 0134-22-0771 ・JR Hokkaido Bus +81 0134-22-5570 ・Chuo Bus Terminal Outside Otaru Station +81 0134-25-3333
・Otaru Taxi Association +81 0134-21-3002 ・Shin Nihonkai Ferry +81 0134-22-6191 ・Otaru Police Office +81 0134-27-0110
・JR Hokkaido Railway train scheduling information Homepage▶ ・JR Hokkaido Railway train scheduling information Twitter▶ ・Hokkaido Chuo Bus suspension information Homepage▶ ・Japanese vehicle information center Homepage▶
This riverside hot spring village offers accommodation ranging from charming guest houses to major resort hotels, and is surrounded by hills and rivers, offering the perfect environment to enjoy the bountiful nature of the four seasons.
Visitors can enjoy golf or tennis in summer, crimson leaves in autumn, and skiing in winter.
Otaru Station GATE:2 / BUS:13
Adult ¥220~330
Child ¥110~170
Okusawaguchi Nantaru Market
Otaru Chikko Station Wing Bay Otaru
Grand Park Otaru
Shin Nantaru Market
Kourakuen Kourakuen Hotel
Shinko 5-chome Natural hot spring Yunohana
Bunjisawa ¥220 for this area
Onsengai Musashitei Hotel
¥330 for this area
Onsen-Sakaue Kuramure Hotel
Asari Classe Hotel
Winkel Vi llaget
Kanponoyado Otaru Kanponoyado Hotel
It is about a 15 minute drive from downtown to Mt. Tengu, a major landmark of Otaru.
A 30-person ropeway reaches the peak in four minutes.
On a clear day, this scenic viewpoint offers a panorama including the distant Shokanbetsu mountain range and Shakotan Peninsula.
Operation Time
9:00 to 21:00 (operates on 12 minute intervals each hour)
*May be halted in case of poor weather.
Travel times vary by season.
Otaru Station GATE:3 / BUS:9
Adult ¥220
Child ¥110
Tenguyama Ropeway ●Taxi Approximate Taxi Fare from Otaru Station to Tenguyama Ropeway Platform:¥1,100
●Change to Ropeway
Adult ¥1,140
Child ¥570
The top of Mt.Tengu
This unique atmosphere of this area features the liveliness and beauty of the coasts of Niseko-Shakotan-Otaru Kaigan Quasi-National Park, complemented with rustic herring fishery architecture which tells the tale of the area's history as a prosperous fishing community.
"Otaru Aquarium" is one of Japan's largest and best-known aquariums, and the nearby attractions including a marina make this a starting point for marine recreation.
Otaru Station GATE:3 / BUS:10 or 11
Adult ¥220
Child ¥110
Ironai-Kawashimo Tanaka Sake Brewery (Japanese Sake Store)
Nishiki-machi Former Otaru Branch of Nihon Yusen Co.
Temiya Otaru Museum
Shukutsu 3-chome Otaru Kihinkan (Guest House)
Otaru Aquarium Otaru Aquarium
Nishin Goten (Herring Mansion)
Shukutsu panorama Observatory
Hotel Neuschloss Otaru
●Taxi Approximate Taxi Fare from Otaru Station to Otaru Aquarium:¥1,800円
▲ 20min by Cruise
Cruise Ship Dock ●FARE
[ One way ]
Adult ¥700
Child ¥350
[ Return ]
Adult ¥1,300
Child ¥650
Cruise ship dock is located 15 minutes walk from JR Otaru Station.
Operation Period April to October (Operates Daily).
What are Button-Operated Pedestrian Crossing Signals? In Japan, in addition to normal automated crossing signals, some crossing signals are controlled by buttons.
Please be aware that these crossing signals will not turn green until a pedestrian pushes the button.
It is very dangerous to cross the street on a red signal, so please be certain to press the button and wait for a green signal. Form an Orderly Line When Waiting for Buses or Trains When queues form to wait for boarding public transportation, please be certain to join the back of the line.
When the train or bus arrives, please swiftly move to one side so that passengers may easily exit the vehicle.
After checking that all exiting passengers are clear of the door, please board the vehicle in order from the front of the queue.
Remain Quiet in Public Places (and Onboard Vehicles) Please refrain from shouting or speaking in a loud voice in public places, as this is very inconsiderate of others nearby.
Japanese people are used to a quiet environment on public transportation, so it is necessary to be considerate of others when speaking.
Also, as a general rule, speaking on mobile phones while riding public transit is prohibited. Only Smoke in Designated Areas Where Ashtrays are Provided Please smoke only where ashtrays are placed.
Please also avoid inconsiderate acts such as smoking while walking, or discarding cigarettes on the street (littering).
Public manners can only be improved through the moral effort of each and every person. Please Flush Toilet Paper Toilet paper in Japan is designed to dissolve in water, and will not clog toilets or plumbing.
After using the toilet, please do not dispose of toilet paper in the wastebasket.
Instead, toilet paper down the toilet.
*Flushing other items may clog plumbing, so please never flush any items except toilet paper.
Copyright © Otaru Tourism Association All Rights Reserved.